Monday, 30 July 2012

A great trip in Yilan

Come to our off day! Today we had planned to travel in Yilan. The journey from the New Taipei City to Yilan took approximately 3 hours. We spent 2 days 1 night in Yilan.

We start our journey sharp at 8.30am and we arrived in Yilan at about 11am. We plan to have a light food. We stopped at the store of selling the Chinese traditional buns. We ordered 3 plates of spicy traditional buns. I taste the bun with a cup of milk tea. The Chinese traditional buns taste good. The Chinese traditional buns filled with the mix of the meat and vegetable.

                                            The looks of traditional buns attractive!

We continue our journey. We approaching to the Tai Ping mountain. On the way to the Tai Ping mountain, I felt a bit of faint. This is due to the road approached to the Tai Ping mountain is steep and curve. Perhaps, i just close my eye and sleep inside the car while waiting to reach the mountain. We stopped at the visitor centre to get some of the travel information,as well as take a small rest. At the same time, i get out my camera to capture the beautiful scene of the mountain.

                                                    The greenery mountain!

                                                    The fresher air from the mountain.


Finally, we reached Tai Ping mountain! Once we stand in Tai Ping mountain, the cool air is toward us. I started to feel cool~Each of us is busy to get out the camera and keep on capture the beautiful scene of the mountain.

                                               The mountains were shrouded in mist.

Next, we started to hike the Tai Ping mountain. From the hill, we seen the Turtle Island !

                                                                Can you see it?

From the hill of the mountain:=)


After spent 2 hours in the mountain, our plan is to get some of the snack near the mountain area.


                                The place of the convenience shop where we get the small snack.

At this time, the mountain surrounded with the mist~

                              The temperature fall just to17 degree celcius! Wow,is really cool !

Then, we started to leave the mountain. The last destination is night market. We get our dinner in the night market. We had tried the popular dessert :

After the night market, it come to the end of the day. We check in and spent a night in the hostel. I had a most enjoyable trip!


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